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Monday, October 31, 2011
Cara Mengatasi Mual Saat Hamil
Cara Mengatasi Mual Saat Hamil - Rasa mual dan muntah banyak dialami oleh ibu hamil, bahkan rasa mual tersebut sering diisyaratkan sebagai tanda awal kehamilan. Keluhan mual dan muntah (morning sickness) umumnya terjadi pada trimester pertama kehamilan, terutama pada kehamilan pertama, dan akan hilang dengan sendirinya seiring memasuki trimster kedua dan ketiga. Meski dinilai normal dan wajar,
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tips Setelah Makan Daging Kambing
Tips Setelah Makan Daging Kambing - Tak terasa lebaran kurban segera tiba. Sudah menjadi tradisi setelah kurban berlangsung masing-masing keluarga akan menghidangkan aneka masakan serba daging untuk dimakan bersama-sama, termasuk daging kambing.Aneka olahan dari daging kambing memang banyak diminati, terlebih oleh para pria. Banyak yang meyakini kalau daging kambing bisa menambah vitalitas
Friday, October 28, 2011
Obat Tradisional Cacar Air
Obat Tradisional Cacar Air - Cacar air merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus varicella-zoster. Penularannya dapat melalui udara, cairan pernafasan, atau kontak langsung dengan kulit penderita cacar. (wikipedia).Gejala Cacar AirCacar air biasanya ditandai dengan timbulnya demam ringan, sakit kepala, pilek, nafsu makan berkurang, dan munculnya bintik merah pada kulit yang
The Brain Controls Insulin Action
Insulin regulates blood glucose primarily by two mechanisms:
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- Suppressing glucose production by the liver
- Enhancing glucose uptake by other tissues, particularly muscle and liver
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Obat Tradisional Penambah Vitalitas Seksual
Setiap pasangan suami istri pasti mendambakan tubuh yang segar dan kuat dalam kehidupan seksual, terutama kaum pria. Dengan vitalitas yang oke, pria bisa menjadi perkasa dan kuat di ranjang. Sehingga walau setiap hari melaksanakan kegiatan seksual, kesehatannya tidak terganggu serta tubuh tetap segar.Untuk menambah keharmonisan dalam hubungan suami istri dan supaya pria memiliki vitalitas
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Obat Herbal Tradisional Hepatitis
Hepatitis atau sering disebut penyakit kuning merupakan peradangan pada hati yang disebabkan oleh infeksi, virus, atau alkohol dan obat-obatan yang dapat merusak jaringan hati. Penyakit ini menyebabkan rasa nyeri pada hati dan perut bagian atas.Gejala HepatitisGejala penyakit hepatitis ditandai dengan hilangnya nafsu makan, perut kembung, mual, muntah, badan terasa letih dan nyeri otot. Penyakit
Monday, October 24, 2011
Cara Mengurangi Dampak Negatif Rokok
Merokok merupakan salah satu kebiasaan yang lazim ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pria, Wanita, Tua, Muda, Miskin, Kaya, tak luput jadi pecandu rokok. Dari segi kesehatan, tak ada bukti sedikitpun manfaat menghisap tembakau. Namun tak mudah untuk melepas ketergantungan dari kebiasaan buruk ini.Meski sebagian orang menganggap merokok sebagai suatu kebiasaan yang wajar, tapi pada kenyataannya
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Harvard Food Law Society "Forum on Food Policy" TEDx Conference
Last Friday, it was my pleasure to attended and present at the Harvard Food Law Society's TEDx conference, Forum on Food Policy. I had never been to Cambridge or Boston before, and I was struck by how European they feel compared to Seattle. The conference was a great success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Food Law Society's presidents Nate Rosenberg, Krista DeBoer, and many other volunteers.
Dr. Robert Lustig gave a keynote address on Thursday evening, which I unfortunately wasn't able to attend due to my flight schedule. From what I heard, he focused on practical solutions for reducing national sugar consumption, such as instituting a sugar tax. Dr. Lustig was a major presence at the conference, and perhaps partially due to his efforts, sugar was a central focus throughout the day. Nearly everyone agrees that added sugar is harmful to the nation's health at current intakes, so the question kept coming up "how long is it going to take us to do something about it?" As Dr. David Ludwig said, "...the obesity epidemic can be viewed as a disease of technology with a simple, but politically difficult solution".
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Dr. Robert Lustig gave a keynote address on Thursday evening, which I unfortunately wasn't able to attend due to my flight schedule. From what I heard, he focused on practical solutions for reducing national sugar consumption, such as instituting a sugar tax. Dr. Lustig was a major presence at the conference, and perhaps partially due to his efforts, sugar was a central focus throughout the day. Nearly everyone agrees that added sugar is harmful to the nation's health at current intakes, so the question kept coming up "how long is it going to take us to do something about it?" As Dr. David Ludwig said, "...the obesity epidemic can be viewed as a disease of technology with a simple, but politically difficult solution".
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
Cara Merawat Kulit Wajah Berjerawat
Merawat kulit wajah berjerawat berbeda dengan tipe kulit yang lain. Penderita jerawat umumnya memiliki kulit yang sensitif dan berminyak. Sehingga perawatannyapun harus lebih exstra.Untuk merawat jerawat diwajah anda, simak tips berikut:Cuci Wajah TeraturHal yang paling penting dalam merawat jerawat adalah mencuci wajah. Cuci muka anda anda minimal 2 kali sehari (pagi dan malam) dan setelah
Friday, October 21, 2011
Cara Benar Memakai Kondom
Kondom merupakan alat kontrasepsi dan pencegah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang banyak diminati kaum adam. Selain harganya yang murah, kondom juga mudah didapat.Karena fungsi utama dari kondom adalah untuk alat kontasepsi dan pencegah tertularnya penyakit kelamin, maka perlu diperhatikan cara memakai kondom yang benar.Tips Memilih KondomSebelum digunakan, pilihlah kondom yang cocok untuk anda
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Inilah 0bat Ampuh Untuk Jerawat Ringan, Sedang, dan Parah
Pada artikel sebelumnya telah dipaparkan tentang jenis-jenis jerawat dan kandungan obat yang paling ampuh untuk mengatasi jerawat, yaitu benzoil peroxide dan clindamicyn [Baca disini]. Artikel kali ini akan melanjutkan pembahasan tersebut, yakni mengenai pengobatan Jerawat sesuai tipe jerawat anda. Obat jerawat yang mengandung benzoyl peroxide dan clindamycin cukup mudah ditemui. Merk yang umum
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tips Memilih Obat Jerawat Yang Ampuh
Berbagai macam obat jerawat saat ini banyak beredar luas dipasaran. Dengan harga yang variatif, obat jerawat dalam bentuk kapsul minum dan cream wajah bisa anda dapat dengan mudah. Sehingga adakalanya sebagai konsumen malah dibuat bingung.Selain menghabiskan biaya yang tidak sedikit, mencoba berbagai merk obat jerawat juga bisa beresiko terhadap kulit. Salah memilih obat malah bisa memperburuk
Monday, October 17, 2011
Losing Fat With Simple Food-- Two Reader Anecdotes
Each week, I'm receiving more e-mails and comments from people who are successfully losing fat by eating simple (low reward) food, similar to what I described here. In some cases, people are breaking through fat loss plateaus that they had reached on conventional low-carbohydrate, low-fat or paleo diets. This concept can be applied to any type of diet, and I believe it is an important characteristic of ancestral food patterns.
At the Ancestral Health Symposium, I met two Whole Health Source readers, Aravind Balasubramanian and Kamal Patel, who were interested in trying a simple diet to lose fat and improve their health. In addition, they wanted to break free of certain other high-reward activities in their lives that they felt were not constructive. They recently embarked on an 8-week low-reward diet and lifestyle to test the effectiveness of the concepts. Both of them had previously achieved a stable (in Aravind's case, reduced) weight on a paleo-ish diet prior to this experiment, but they still carried more fat than they wanted to. They offered to write about their experience for WHS, and I thought other readers might find it informative. Their story is below, followed by a few of my comments.
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At the Ancestral Health Symposium, I met two Whole Health Source readers, Aravind Balasubramanian and Kamal Patel, who were interested in trying a simple diet to lose fat and improve their health. In addition, they wanted to break free of certain other high-reward activities in their lives that they felt were not constructive. They recently embarked on an 8-week low-reward diet and lifestyle to test the effectiveness of the concepts. Both of them had previously achieved a stable (in Aravind's case, reduced) weight on a paleo-ish diet prior to this experiment, but they still carried more fat than they wanted to. They offered to write about their experience for WHS, and I thought other readers might find it informative. Their story is below, followed by a few of my comments.
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Friday, October 7, 2011
The Case for the Food Reward Hypothesis of Obesity, Part II
In this post, I'll explore whether or not the scientific evidence is consistent with the predictions of the food reward hypothesis, as outlined in the last post.
Before diving in, I'd like to address the critique that the food reward concept is a tautology or relies on circular reasoning (or is not testable/falsifiable). This critique has no logical basis. The reward and palatability value of a food is not defined by its effect on energy intake or body fatness. In the research setting, food reward is measured by the ability of food or food-related stimuli to reinforce or motivate behavior (e.g., 1). In humans, palatability is measured by having a person taste a food and rate its pleasantness in a standardized, quantifiable manner, or sometimes by looking at brain activity by fMRI or related techniques (2). In rodents, it is measured by observing stereotyped facial responses to palatable and unpalatable foods, which are similar to those seen in human infants. It is not a tautology or circular reasoning to say that the reinforcing value or pleasantness of food influences food intake and body fatness. These are quantifiable concepts and as I will explain, their relationship with food intake and body fatness can be, and already has been, tested in a controlled manner.
1. Increasing the reward/palatability value of the diet should cause fat gain in animals and humans
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Before diving in, I'd like to address the critique that the food reward concept is a tautology or relies on circular reasoning (or is not testable/falsifiable). This critique has no logical basis. The reward and palatability value of a food is not defined by its effect on energy intake or body fatness. In the research setting, food reward is measured by the ability of food or food-related stimuli to reinforce or motivate behavior (e.g., 1). In humans, palatability is measured by having a person taste a food and rate its pleasantness in a standardized, quantifiable manner, or sometimes by looking at brain activity by fMRI or related techniques (2). In rodents, it is measured by observing stereotyped facial responses to palatable and unpalatable foods, which are similar to those seen in human infants. It is not a tautology or circular reasoning to say that the reinforcing value or pleasantness of food influences food intake and body fatness. These are quantifiable concepts and as I will explain, their relationship with food intake and body fatness can be, and already has been, tested in a controlled manner.
1. Increasing the reward/palatability value of the diet should cause fat gain in animals and humans
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Cara Menghilangkan Flek Hitam di Wajah
Flek hitam merupakan pigmentasi atau melasma yang terjadi pada beberapa bagian tubuh, terutama pada daerah wajah.
Flek hitam diantaranya disebabkan oleh paparan sinar matahari, bekas jerawat, akibat pemakaian obat hormonal seperti pencegah kehamilan, antibiotik, pemakaian kosmetik tidak tepat dan sebagainya.
Menghilangkan flek pada wajah bukan perkara mudah, karena membutuhkan perawatan rutin
Flek hitam diantaranya disebabkan oleh paparan sinar matahari, bekas jerawat, akibat pemakaian obat hormonal seperti pencegah kehamilan, antibiotik, pemakaian kosmetik tidak tepat dan sebagainya.
Menghilangkan flek pada wajah bukan perkara mudah, karena membutuhkan perawatan rutin
Monday, October 3, 2011
Cara Mengatasi Kantung Mata
Kantung Mata merupakan pembengkakan pada area bawah mata, dan biasanya berwana hitam.
Penyebab Kantung mata diantaranya disebabkan oleh faktor penuaan, keturuanan, kurang tidur, atau terlalu lama melihat layar monitor.
Bila tak segera diatasi, kantung mata akan semakin jelas terlihat dan membengkak. Untuk menghilangkan kantung mata , coba anda gunakan tips berikut:
Bahan:- Mentimun
Penyebab Kantung mata diantaranya disebabkan oleh faktor penuaan, keturuanan, kurang tidur, atau terlalu lama melihat layar monitor.
Bila tak segera diatasi, kantung mata akan semakin jelas terlihat dan membengkak. Untuk menghilangkan kantung mata , coba anda gunakan tips berikut:
Bahan:- Mentimun
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The Case for the Food Reward Hypothesis of Obesity, Part I
When you want to investigate something using the scientific method, first you create a model that you hope describes a natural phenomenon-- this is called a hypothesis. Then you go about testing that model against reality, under controlled conditions, to see if it has any predictive power. There is rarely a single experiment, or single study, that can demonstrate that a hypothesis is correct. Most important hypotheses require many mutually buttressing lines of evidence from multiple research groups before they're widely accepted. Although it's not necessary, understanding the mechanism by which an effect occurs, and having that mechanism be consistent with the hypothesis, adds substantially to the case.
With that in mind, this post will go into greater detail on the evidence supporting food reward and palatability as major factors in the regulation of food intake and body fatness. There is a large amount of supportive evidence at this point, which is rapidly expanding due to the efforts of many brilliant researchers, however for the sake of clarity and brevity, so far I've only given a "tip of the iceberg" view of it. But there are two types of people who want more detail: (1) the skeptics, and (2) scientifically inclined people who want mechanism. This post is for them. It will get technical at times, as there is no other way to convey the material effectively.
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When you want to investigate something using the scientific method, first you create a model that you hope describes a natural phenomenon-- this is called a hypothesis. Then you go about testing that model against reality, under controlled conditions, to see if it has any predictive power. There is rarely a single experiment, or single study, that can demonstrate that a hypothesis is correct. Most important hypotheses require many mutually buttressing lines of evidence from multiple research groups before they're widely accepted. Although it's not necessary, understanding the mechanism by which an effect occurs, and having that mechanism be consistent with the hypothesis, adds substantially to the case.
With that in mind, this post will go into greater detail on the evidence supporting food reward and palatability as major factors in the regulation of food intake and body fatness. There is a large amount of supportive evidence at this point, which is rapidly expanding due to the efforts of many brilliant researchers, however for the sake of clarity and brevity, so far I've only given a "tip of the iceberg" view of it. But there are two types of people who want more detail: (1) the skeptics, and (2) scientifically inclined people who want mechanism. This post is for them. It will get technical at times, as there is no other way to convey the material effectively.
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