Sebelum membahas mengenai obat asam urat, terlebih dahulu kita berkenalan dengan penyakit ini. Apa itu penyakit asam urat? Penyebab asam urat? Gejala asam urat? Pantangan asam urat? Dan apa perbedaan asam urat dengan rematik? Simak artikel berikut.
Penyakit Asam Urat
Asam urat adalah penyakit dari sisa metabolisme zat purin yang berasal dari sisa makanan yang kita konsumsi. Purin sendiri
My Blog List
Friday, June 29, 2012
Bahaya dan Tips Memasang Behel
Behel atau kawat gigi saat ini sangat populer di Indonesia, terlebih di kalangan para remaja (pelajar) ibukota. Hal ini tak lepas dari gaya hidup yang "aneh". Saya katakan "aneh" karna memang cukup menggelitik. Bagaimana bisa behel yang fungsi utamanya untuk merapihkan susunan gigi bisa menjadi sebuah tren fashion. Parahnya katanya kalau tidak pasang behel / kawat gigi itu gak gaul. Lantas apa
Thursday, June 28, 2012
New Study: Is a Calorie a Calorie?
A new study in JAMA led by Dr. Cara B. Ebbeling and colleagues purports to challenge the idea that all calories are equally fattening (1). Let's have a look. When thinking about the role of calorie intake in body fatness, there are basically three camps:
1. Calories don’t matter at all, only diet composition matters.
2. Calories are the only thing that matters, and diet composition is irrelevant.
3. Calories matter, but diet composition may also play a role.
The first one is an odd position that is not very well populated. The second one has a lot of adherents in the research world, and there’s enough evidence to make a good case for it. It’s represented by the phrase ‘a calorie is a calorie’, i.e. all calories are equally fattening. #1 and #2 are both extreme positions, and as such they get a lot of attention. But the third group, although less vocal, may be closest to the truth.
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1. Calories don’t matter at all, only diet composition matters.
2. Calories are the only thing that matters, and diet composition is irrelevant.
3. Calories matter, but diet composition may also play a role.
The first one is an odd position that is not very well populated. The second one has a lot of adherents in the research world, and there’s enough evidence to make a good case for it. It’s represented by the phrase ‘a calorie is a calorie’, i.e. all calories are equally fattening. #1 and #2 are both extreme positions, and as such they get a lot of attention. But the third group, although less vocal, may be closest to the truth.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tips Sehat Saat Lembur / Begadang
Pekerjaan yang terlalu banyak dan deadline yang terlalu singkat kadang membuat orang harus bekerja lebih ekstra. Hal ini sering disiasati dengan menambah jam untuk bekerja, alias lembur.
Bekerja lembur / begadang hingga tengah malam seringkali membuat tubuh tidak fit dan gampang sakit. Lalu, apa saja yang harus diperhatikan agar kondisi tubuh tetap bugar meski kurang tidur di malam hari?
Bekerja lembur / begadang hingga tengah malam seringkali membuat tubuh tidak fit dan gampang sakit. Lalu, apa saja yang harus diperhatikan agar kondisi tubuh tetap bugar meski kurang tidur di malam hari?
Monday, June 25, 2012
What Puts Fat Into Fat Cells, and What Takes it Out?
Body fatness at its most basic level is determined by the rate of fat going into vs. out of fat cells. This in/out cycle occurs regardless of conditions outside the cell, but the balance between in and out is influenced by a variety of external factors. One of the arguments that has been made in the popular media about obesity goes something like this:
A number of factors can promote the release of fat from fat cells, including:
Can you spot the logical error in this argument?
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A number of factors can promote the release of fat from fat cells, including:
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), glucagon, thyroid-stimulating hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, vasopressin, and growth hormoneBut only two promote fat storage:
Insulin, and acylation-stimulating protein (ASP)*Therefore if we want to understand body fat accumulation, we should focus on the latter category, because that's what puts fat inside fat cells. Simple, right?
Can you spot the logical error in this argument?
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Inilah 6 Ciri Wanita Subur
Keberadaan bayi adalah hal yang paling membahagiakan dalam sebuah rumah tangga. Tidak semua pasangan dapat memiliki momongan dengan segera. Tak sedikit di antaranya memiliki masalah kesuburan yang baru diketahui setelah menikah.
Pada wanita yang usianya belum sampai 34 tahun, maka secara normal kemungkinan kesuburannya adalah 90%. Dengan catatan, bukan pengguna obat terlarang atau peminum
Pada wanita yang usianya belum sampai 34 tahun, maka secara normal kemungkinan kesuburannya adalah 90%. Dengan catatan, bukan pengguna obat terlarang atau peminum
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Inilah Daftar Makanan Pembersih Gigi dan Mulut
Menjaga kebersihan mulut penting untuk kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Menyikat gigi dan memainkan benang gigi saja kadang tak cukup. Demi hasil maksimal, cobalah mengkonsumsi produk makanan yang memiliki efek pembersih gigi alami.
"Makanan-makanan itu tak hanya baik untuk kesehatan dan kebersihan gigi, tapi juga mulut. Dan kita tahu, kebersihan mulut mempengaruhi kesehatan secara keseluruhan,"
"Makanan-makanan itu tak hanya baik untuk kesehatan dan kebersihan gigi, tapi juga mulut. Dan kita tahu, kebersihan mulut mempengaruhi kesehatan secara keseluruhan,"
Friday, June 22, 2012
Inilah Cara Saya Menghilangkan Ketombe Yang Membandel
Ketombe. Entah makhluk macam apa dia. Yang jelas ketombe membuat rambut menjadi sangat-sangat gatal, kulit kepala rusak, dan rambut menjadi rontok. Itulah beberapa efek yang saya rasakan selama beberapa tahun saat mengalami masalah ketombe. Tapi itu dulu, sekarang ketombe yang super bandel itu telah hilang dari kepala saya. Bagaimana caranya? Yuk simak cara menghilangkan ketombe ala Blog Tips
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
8 Cara Tepat Latihan Membentuk Perut Six Pack
Dua tahun yang lalu Blog Tips Kesehatan pernah memposting artikel "Tips Membentuk Badan SixPack, Tanpa Harus ke GYM". Pada artikel kali ini saya akan kembali membahas tentang topik "Six Pack", dengan judul "8 Cara Tepat Latihan Membentuk Perut Six Pack".
Untuk mendapatkan perut six pack dalam waktu singkat, Anda perlu fokus pada latihan seluruh tubuh Anda. Anda harus mengurangi lemak tubuh
Untuk mendapatkan perut six pack dalam waktu singkat, Anda perlu fokus pada latihan seluruh tubuh Anda. Anda harus mengurangi lemak tubuh
Gejala - Gejala Penyakit Lupus
Setelah pada artikel sebelumnya di jelaskan mengenai penyakit lupus dan penyebab penyakit lupus. Artikel kali ini akan di bahas mengenai gejala-gejala apa saja yang sering timbul pada penderita lupus. Ciri-ciri ini bisa menjadi pedoman anda untuk pengobatan. Adapun gejala-gejala penyakit lupus yang umumnya terjadi diantaranya:Kulit yang mudah gosong akibat sinar matahari serta timbulnya gangguan
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Mengenal Penyakit Lupus
Mendengar kata LUPUS mungkin anda teringat dengan sebuah serial novel dan sinetron tahun 90an. Tapi Lupus disini adalah sebuah penyakit yang cukup mengerikan. Kata lupus sendiri berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti “Anjing Hutan”. Istilah ini mulai dikenal sekitar satu abad yang lalu.
Awalnya, penderita penyakit ini dikira mempunyai kelainan kulit, berupa kemerahan di sekitar hidung dan pipi.
Awalnya, penderita penyakit ini dikira mempunyai kelainan kulit, berupa kemerahan di sekitar hidung dan pipi.
A Pressure Cooker for the 21st Century
Pressure cookers are an extremely useful kitchen tool. They greatly speed cooking and reduce energy usage by up to 70 percent. This is because as pressure increases, so does the boiling point of water, which is the factor that limits cooking speed in water-containing foods (most foods). If it weren't for my pressure cooker, I'd rarely eat beets or globe artichokes. Instead of baking, boiling or steaming these for 60-90 minutes, I can have them soft as butter in 30. But let's face it: most people are intimidated by pressure cookers. They fear the sounds, the hot steam, and the perceived risk of explosion. I escaped this because I grew up around them.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
New Study Demonstrates that Sugar has to be Palatable to be Fattening in Mice
Dr. Anthony Sclafani's research group just published a study definitively demonstrating that high palatability, or pleasantness of taste, is required for sugar to be fattening in mice (1). Dr. John Glendinning was lead author. Dr. Sclafani's group has done a lot of excellent research over the years. Among other things, he's the person who invented the most fattening rodent diet in the world-- the 'cafeteria diet'-- composed of human junk food.
Mice and rats love sweet food and drinks, just like humans. If you give them a choice between plain water and sugar water, they'll overconsume the sugar water and become obese. I have argued, based on a large body of evidence, that the reward value and palatability* of these solutions are important to this process (2, 3, 4). This is really just common sense honestly, because by definition if the solution weren't rewarding the mice wouldn't go out of their way to drink it instead of water, the same way people wouldn't go out of their way to get soda if it weren't rewarding. But it's always best to confirm common sense with research.
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Mice and rats love sweet food and drinks, just like humans. If you give them a choice between plain water and sugar water, they'll overconsume the sugar water and become obese. I have argued, based on a large body of evidence, that the reward value and palatability* of these solutions are important to this process (2, 3, 4). This is really just common sense honestly, because by definition if the solution weren't rewarding the mice wouldn't go out of their way to drink it instead of water, the same way people wouldn't go out of their way to get soda if it weren't rewarding. But it's always best to confirm common sense with research.
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Saturday, June 9, 2012
Sugar Intake and Body Fatness in Non-industrial Cultures
Around the world, non-industrial cultures following an ancestral diet and lifestyle tend to be lean. When they transition a modern diet and lifestyle, they typically put on body fat and develop the classic "diseases of civilization" such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. If we can understand the reasons why this health transition occurs, we will understand why these problems afflict us today. Research has already identified a number of important factors, but today I'm going to discuss one in particular that has received a lot of attention lately: sugar.
There's an idea currently circulating that sugar is the main reason why healthy traditional cultures end up obese and sick. It’s easy to find non-industrial cultures that are lean and don’t eat much sugar, and it’s easy to find industrial cultures that are obese and eat a lot of it. But many factors are changing simultaneously there. We could use the same examples to demonstrate that blue jeans and hair gel cause obesity. If sugar is truly the important factor, then cultures with a high sugar intake, but an otherwise ancestral diet and lifestyle, should also be overweight and sick. Let’s see if that's true.
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There's an idea currently circulating that sugar is the main reason why healthy traditional cultures end up obese and sick. It’s easy to find non-industrial cultures that are lean and don’t eat much sugar, and it’s easy to find industrial cultures that are obese and eat a lot of it. But many factors are changing simultaneously there. We could use the same examples to demonstrate that blue jeans and hair gel cause obesity. If sugar is truly the important factor, then cultures with a high sugar intake, but an otherwise ancestral diet and lifestyle, should also be overweight and sick. Let’s see if that's true.
native diet,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Calories Still Matter
The Centers for Disease Control's NHANES surveys documented a massive increase in obesity in the United States between the 1960-62 and 2007-2008 survey periods (1). In 1960, 13 percent of US adults were obese, while in 2008 that number had risen to 34 percent. The prevalence of extreme obesity increased from 0.9 to 6.0 percent over the same time period!
Something has changed, but what? Well, the most parsimonious explanation is that we're simply eating more. Here is a graph I created of our calorie intake (green) overlaid on a graph of obesity prevalence (blue) between 1970 and 2008:
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Something has changed, but what? Well, the most parsimonious explanation is that we're simply eating more. Here is a graph I created of our calorie intake (green) overlaid on a graph of obesity prevalence (blue) between 1970 and 2008:
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